Slag Against The Machine!!

We're wickhad!

BAND PRACTISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this sunday at natalie's house. We are playing californication, so everyone be prepaired, and non band members can come watch!!!!! even the rivals.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone be prepared.......THERE'S A KEIRA KNIGHTLEY PAGE!!! (i knew you'd be excited) If you love Uma Thurman, just as much as us, check out the Uma Thurman page!! Ok people! there have been updates, so look on out new page for the competetition and also the random junk page, for lots of randomness. More updates coming soon!  Hey mister, mister you forgot your KABLAM!!
Yay, This website is about the band SLAG AGAINST THE MACHINE! In the band is:

*Natalie - on lead vocals
*Emmie - on drums
*Fran on backing vocals and tamberine
*lizzie - lead flute
*Jo - flute and band mascott!!!
*Alice - on keyboard
*Sheyda - hopefully bassist *hint hint* you know you wanna
*Lucy - on guitar...but still thinks the band isn't real.
And MAYBE jo's imaginary friend dids will come watch us. But remember jo. Don't get carried away. DIDS ISN'T REAL. What?! you want the blue?

Listing Site Updates
When we start writing our piss take songs we will post the lyrics here. So that EVERYONE can sing along! yay
****COMING SOON!**** the slag against the machine QUIZ!

Of course, every band has rivals. But in our spare time we like to write lists with different ways to suprise attack and kill ours.
Our rivals are Ruth, Kathleen and Ashley. As un willing as they are to try and compete with us. we're going to compete with them any way! And we started this magical competition by attempting to steal their bassist Sheyda!
We still arn't sure on weather she's going to join us, but our next plan is to kill ruth at some point in art using the list in Jo's planner --- we'll keep you posted!

Jo - the mascott
asides from being one of the flute players, jo is our very special mascott. This is not just because she made up her own friend dids, and still insists she is real, or because she has a tendancy to fall over a lot. It's mainly because...It's jo, and she has so many brilliant flaws that we alllll love her. *you want the blue jo? oh! where did your scissors go?* Jo is going to be the subject of all our magical songs. And so our band is dedicated to her. Go OJ! hehehehe (and yes i damn well meant to put it backwards)
dont fall over

News-more song lyrics have been added to the Lyrics page-check them out!